Friday, September 9, 2011

What makes a good or bad blog...

When reading a blog I look for interesting stuff that will catch my eye, like the tite of the blog and the back ground the person has selected for a blog. It is not really hard to come up with a good blog for yourself but you have to think about the other people that may read your blog in the future. After reading some of the blogs from the other classes I have noticed that there are a lot of interesting people out there. Everyone comes from different backgrounds from around the nation and it is very interesting to hear their stories and see how they have lived.

After reading the other classes blogs I am still very happy with my own. It tells my story as the my peers tells theirs. No one has the same life tell so it is good to hear what everyone has to say and how everyone was raised. In saying that my blog just lets peopel know a little bit more about me and I am happy with that. My life may not be as interesting as someone else's but it is my life and I am glad I get to share my story of how I became me.

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